10 Cool React Animation Library.

10 Cool React Animation Library.

Here are 10 animation libraries for React that you can use to create animations in your React projects.

  1. Framer Motion (framer.com/motion) - A React animation toolkit that makes simple animations using two APIs: Framer and Motion.

  2. Remotion (remotion.dev) - A tool for creating animations and videos using familiar languages like CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

  3. React-Motion (github.com/chenglou/react-motion) - A library for animation using spring dynamics. It allows you to create physics-based animations with ease.

  4. React-Move (github.com/react-tools/react-move) - A library for animation and data visualization. It allows you to animate based on data changes and create smooth transitions between states.

  5. React Awesome Reveal (react-awesome-reveal.morello.dev) - A library for React apps. It animates your components when they becomes visible in the page, with many effects to choose from.

  6. React-Spring (github.com/react-spring/react-spring) - A library for animations that uses physics-based spring dynamics.

  7. React-Transition-Group (github.com/reactjs/react-transition-group) - A library for managing component states and animating between them.

  8. React-FLIP-Move (github.com/joshwcomeau/react-flip-move) - A library for animating the rearrangement of a list of elements.

  9. React-Reveal (react-reveal.com) - A library for creating animations and transitions.

  10. React-Particles-JS (github.com/Wufe/react-particles-js) - A library for creating particle animations

You can use any of these libraries to create animations for various elements in your React project, such as buttons, images, text, and more. Each library has its own set of features and options, so you can choose the one that best fits your needs.

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